YET B2C stands for 'Your E-commerce Turnkey' for the B2C market
List your products on over 100+ E-commerce portals across India (and growing).
Presence amongst 243 Million Active Internet (and growing) users across 29 different states.
Get your product visible on various Global B2C markets.
Handles Warehousing of your products.
Handles all the hassles of single unit packaging, follow ups etc.
Handles all Government Norms & Taxations.
Acts as a Virtual Office for your brand in India/Global.
Promotion on various discussion forums, Blogs, FaceBook, etc (Online promotion).
The Yet B2C business module asks a company only to bring their products to us, the rest we handle, while the company sits back and sees their Brand value, Brand awareness & Sales increases.

  YET B2B stands for 'Your E-commerce Turnkey' for the B2B Market
  List your products on over 500+ E-commerce B2B portals across the Globe.
  Get your product visible amongst 2.92 Billion active internet users worldwide.
  Filters all your worldwide business queries & passes on only relevant mails to you.
  Screens the customer for you.
  Acts as a virtual office for your brand globally.
  The Yet B2B business module asks a company only to email their listing information sheet to us, the rest we handle, while the company sits back and sees their Brand value, Brand awareness & Sales increases.
You should also know that lace wigs uk tend to be more expensive than Asian hair wigs because they last longer and feel softer. For those who still have hair and wear a wig regularly, choose finely woven and virgin brazilian hair uk which will allow for proper airflow to your scalp. A tight wig can cut off circulation to the scalp and result in hair loss. Human hair wigs will ensure that your scalp will be able to "breathe" better than with a blonde wigs london. If you choose a human hair wig, you might want to consider the cost of a few fusion hair extensions sale accessories such special shampoos and conditioners, wig stands, travel cases, and styling products. It's more than just a monetary investment. Just like real hair, you will need to put some effort into maintaining the wigs. They also need to be styled after you wash them, unlike lace wigs uk which will retain their style. With a little bit of money, time, and effort, a human hair wig can become a true extension of yourself.